

PSCI 1404 – American Foreign Policy (Spring 2024, University of Pennsylvania). Teaching assistant to Dr. Melissa Lee, leading three recitation sections, holding office hours, and grading. Find my recitation syllabus here.

Guest lectures

Etienne, T. (2020). The process of VAA development. VAAs in the context of participation research: University of Münster, Münster, DE.

Invited talks

Etienne, T. 2020. The Trump‑O‑Mat and other VAAs for the US Presidential Election. Die lange US‑Wahlnacht: University of Münster, Münster, DE.

Etienne, T. 2018. Développement de la Boussole Électorale Marocaine. Dutch Embassy in Morocco: Rabat, MA.

Trainings & workshops

Etienne, T. 2022. Sampling & weighting procedures for VAA‑obtained nonprobability samples. Kieskompas: Amsterdam, NL.

Etienne, T. 2020. Developing a Voting Advice Application for the Georgian Election. Kieskompas: Online.

Etienne, T. 2020. Sampling & weighting procedures for VAA‑obtained nonprobability samples. Kieskompas: Amsterdam, NL.

Etienne, T. 2020. Developing a Gamified Survey tool for position mapping on the topic of higher education funding in the Netherlands. Kieskompas: Online.

Vitiello, T., Magrawi, S., Etienne, T. & Krouwel, A. 2018. Développement de la Boussole Électorale Marocaine et formationdes jeunes universitaires marocains. Kieskompas: Amsterdam, NL